Saturday, June 14, 2014


Haven't posted in a while... this was done with black conte crayon on paper.
The world needs lots of prayers and grace. It is so overwhelming... ! is a wonderful blog (and Facebook group) that posts prayer requests for depressed souls or for those who have committed suicide. Regardless of your faith or beliefs, if I may I'd like to encourage anyone reading this to check in on this group and join your hearts and minds, even for a brief moment, with others going through very tough times. Solidarity with each other = humanity.

from the poet Alexej Mislovic:
You must not die/because you have been chosen/ to be a part of the day.

Found in the incredibly inspiring letter of one young woman, written in what was probably the lowest point in her life, in 1995. Please, share her letter if you think it could help someone you know!

Someone has to begin to break the chain of hatred that has always destroyed our countries. And so, I will teach my child only one thing: love. This child, born of violence, will be a witness along with me that the only greatness that gives honor to a human being is forgiveness.   -Lucy Vertrusc